
PHP PDO based + integrated caching support ORM

Primary LanguagePHP


Memoro is an experimental db abstraction...it is meant as a purely personal project, however if there is interest outside of my own uses I will continue development and respond to requests. I am implementing what I consider to be features not seen in other PHP based ORMs...so take a look and please provide feedback. I dislike creating documentation as much as the next developer, however I also see it as necessary evil, so to that end I will be providing it as much as possible...if for no other reason than for my own uses...because after all, we all tend to forget the specifics of implementation.

A more involved description as well as more documentation is in the works.

Databases Supported

Memoro in theory supports all databases supported by PDO. In reality at the moment the only tested databases is MySQL. Integrated caching support is also at the core of planned development, which includes what I call automatic deep cache expiration using (currently) APC and Redis support...more may be implemented, but that is what is planned at the moment.

Unit Tests

Planned and currently being developed, stay tuned.

Quick Example

Coming soon.

More information

Coming soon.