
jQuery plugin providing an easy way of getting all of an elements layout information.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status Bower version

jquery.placement is a jQuery plugin providing an easy way of getting all of an elements layout information.

Downloading jquery.placement.js

jquery.placement is available via bower:

Install via command line:

# run this command in your public html folder
bower install jquery.placement

Install via bower.json (recommended)

  "dependencies": {
    "jquery.placement": "*" // add jquery.placement under "dependencies"
# run this in the same directory as your bower.json file
bower install

Using jquery.placement

A couple of example usages (more documentation soon):

  <!-- imaginary view port is 1000px X 1000px -->
    <div id="someElement" style="position: absolute; top: 10; left: 20; width: 100px; height: 100px;"></div>

    var placement;

    placement = $('#someElement').placement();
    placement === {
      width: 100, // width of the element
      height: 100, // height of element
      top: 10, // top side distance from top of view port
      left: 20, // left side distance from left of view port
      right: 120, // right side distance from left of view port
      leftOffset: 980, // left side distance from right of view port
      rightOffset: 880, // right side distance from right of view port

    // It is also possible to only grab what you want (lesser computationally intensive)
    placement = $('#someElement').placement({ props: [ 'width', 'height', 'rightOffset' ] });
    placement === {
      width: 100, // width of the element
      height: 100, // height of element
      rightOffset: 880, // right side distance from right of view port

    // support for relative position (not document offset) is not yet supported (upcomming):
    placement = $('#someElement').placement({ context: 'relative' });

Building jquery.placement from source and running tests

  1. Clone the repo from GitHub:
git clone https://github.com/reflectiveSingleton/jquery.placement.git
cd jquery.placement
  1. Acquire build dependencies:

Make sure you have node.js installed in your environment. jquery.placement additionally requires gulp plus several bower and NPM dependencies when building from source...to install those run:

# install gulp (javascript task runner, http://gulpjs.com/)
npm install -g gulp # you may need to run this under sudo

# install bower (package manager, http://bower.io/)
npm install -g bower # you may need to run this under sudo

# download dependencies from npm (https://www.npmjs.com/) and bower (http://bower.io/)
npm install && bower install
  1. Run a gulp task to build/test/etc:
# build everything (output in /dist) and run tests

# build everything (output in /dist)
gulp build


MIT license - http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
