
Purpose of this project is to provide a good starting point for building a SprintHive service and to cover some basic tasks.

Primary LanguageJava

The Event sourcing, CQRS coffee shop

The purpose of this project is to explore how to implement Event sourcing and CQRS.


gradle bootRun

# run with debug
gradle bootRun --debug-jvm 


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dev - properties are loaded from application.yaml test - properties are loaded from application-test.yaml
preprod - properties are loaded from application-preprod.yaml
production - properties are loaded from application-production.yaml

Helper scripts to run the app with different profiles

/bin/runTest.sh - packages the app and runs with the test profile activated /bin/runPrepod.sh - packages the app and runs with the preprod profile activated /bin/runProd.sh - packages the app and runs with the prod profile activated

Override props

You can override props by creating a /application.yaml this file is .gitignored


@Slf4j lombrok logback fluent When to use what level? Error Warning Info debug


To run an individual test:

$ gradle test -Dtest.single=PropTest

To debug a test:

$ gradle test -Dtest.debug=true -Dtest.single=DemoSpec


# create executable jar see <project-home>/bin/run*.sh for example 
gradle bootRepackage

