Gitpod To do

Based on Code Institute Tutorial


  1. HTML
  2. CSS
  3. Python
  4. Django

Project Aims

  1. Use built in Django CRUD functions to create a simple TODO App.

Developer Aims

  1. Demonstrate simple django initial setup using github and gitpod
  2. Implement basic CRUD functions
  3. Include sufficient documentation (Readme and comments in code) to understand the above

Project build process and build notes

To Initiate: and choose Use This template install django using Pip:

pip3 install django

Create a django project called django_todo in the current folder:

django-admin startproject django_todo .

Note: the . opens the project in the current folder.

To run:

python3 runserver

To create new app:

python3 startapp todo

Open the for this app. Views interface between the data and the front end.


`from django.shortcuts import render, HttpResponse

def say_hello(request): return HttpResponse("Hello!")`

Next edit in root project folder:

`from django.contrib import admin from django.urls import path from todo.views import say_hello

urlpatterns = [ path('admin/',, path('hello/', say_hello, name="hello") ]`

Now the function in views_py will be available in root/hello


Create folder called templates within project folder and subfolder called todo then filename.HTML Example: templates/todo/todo_list.html

NB in add this app to list of apps

Commands for database changes and migrations

These commands update the python code so that it can make correct changes to the code for this project that handles the database.

python3 makemigrations --dry-run to dry run changes to database.

python3 showmigrations

python3 migrate --plan Show what the migrate will actually do, by using the plan flag.

python3 migrate Use for initial setup and then any future changes which will affect database handling.

python3 createsuperuser To create superuser for this project

Go to project /admin to log in.

Creating bespoke data models

class Item(): is analagos to creating a 'sheet' in a spreadsheet. This will automatically create a new 'sheet' in the database when migrations are run.


class Item(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=50, null=False, blank=False) done = models.BooleanField(null=False, blank=False, default=False)

Creates data table for Todos list with todo item and done field. NOTE id field is created automatically.

python3 makemigrations --dry-run

python3 makemigrations

This code will be converted to sql and run by python.

python3 migrate --plan

This now needs to be registered in to make it visible in the admin panel. eg: `` from django.contrib import admin from .models import Item ``

Items will display as eg Item object (1) in database until we override the default inherrited name for fields in this row.

eg in

def __str__(self): return

Moving forward with creating html views:

To create new views after creating associated template, define them in and update .


Rather than creating the form ourself in html, django can create the form and then we add this as an input variable. The avoids input errors eg if the model marks something as required but then this is not marked as such in the html.

Therefore: is created next and then from .forms import ItemForm is added in

This will need to be added to the file:

form = ItemForm() context = { 'form' : form }

CRUD Functions

These were created in URLs for each function are defined in todo_list.html contains the main functionality with edit_item.html and add_item.html containing from end templates and ui for those functions.

Testing is created automatically by django.

`` class TestDjango(TestCase): def test_this_thing_works(self): #test if 1 = 0 (this test should fail) self.assertEqual(1,0)


To run tests: python3 test

Assertions such as equal, true, false and so on are used in django as in any other testing framework.

NOTE: .FEF syntax means in this case tests pass, fail, error, fail

NOTE: renamed to to keep tests organised - these tests will jus test

python3 test runs all tests or the following syntax will run just one specific file:

python3 test todo.test_forms

Or run just a specific class of tests:

python3 test todo.test_forms.TestItemForm

OR run one specific test:

python3 test todo.test_forms.TestItemForm.test_fields_are_explicit_in_metaclass

The Coverage tool shows what percentage of code is being tested

install: pip3 install coverage

run: coverage run --source=todo test

report is accessed via: coverage report

interactive html report: coverage html

Creates a folder called htmlcov

To view this in Gitpod python3 -m http.server

Open in browser, and view the file. For example if is 89% tested the html report will highlight which parts of the code have not been tested.

After changes, need to run Coverage again, then regenerate the html report and check again whether all code has been tested.


Heroku cli is installed by default with some Gitpod templates. It can be added by following this documentation:

Login to Then, in terminal run heroku login Click open browser then accept.

Try typing heroku to see a list of command or heroku apps help to find help.

Install Postgress addon for Heroku and it's requirements:

pip3 install psycopg2-binary

Use gunicorn to act as a web server

pip3 install gunicorn

List requirements to a file so Heroku knows what to install

pip3 freeze --local > requirements.txt

Create app, specifying app name: heroku apps:create jb-django-todo-app -- region ey

specify --region eu for eu region

git remote -v Shows available git repositories

Therefore git push heroku master will push to the url displayed or git push origin master would push to github assuming that has been set up.

Create database addon for Heroku.

Use Heroku web gui: Dashboard -> Project -> Resources Addons -> Postgres -> Heroku Postgres -> Provision Settings -> Reveal Config Vars

To connect the app to this new permanently live Postgres database:

pip3 install dj_database_url

This allows the connection between databases.

pip3 freeze --local > requirements.txt

heroku config

In find the database settings.

Change to: DATABASES = { 'default': dj_database_url.parse('')}

Paste in the url from Heroku between the quotes within the brackets - parse('HERE!!!')

import dj_database_url at the top of

In terminal: python3 migrate Migrates the data to new online database

ready to push git push heroku master

This will throw an error - we don't have any static files so they don't need to be collected. Need to run heroku config:set DISABLE_COLLECTSTATIC=1

Push should now work.

The app will generate an error when clicked...


Check heroku logs --tail

Try googling the error code - in this case H14

Create Procfile with a capital P

Add web: gunicorn django_todo.wsgi:application to the Procfile

This will tell heroku we are running a web application

Push to Heroku again.

This should now run with a django error which means the project is at least running!

We need to add Heroku to the list of allowed hosts. This is important to keep the app secure.

In Settings:

change ALLOWED_HOSTS = [] to, for example: ALLOWED_HOSTS = ['']

Connecting github an heroku so pushing to Github with sync with Heroku

In Heroku Dashboard.

Select Deploy -> github. Login, choose repo and connect.

Beneath this, Automatic deployment or manual deployment can be selected.

Test this works, and hide secret key:


SECRET_KEY = os.environ.get('SECRET_KEY', 'smcjqwguq8f4wonpmd7x55odz=%srjn)^qo2zv+b78y*t6^pp%')

ALLOWED_HOSTS = [os.environ.get('HEROKU_HOST', '')]

DATABASES = { 'default': dj_database_url.parse(os.environ.get('DATABASE_URL'))}

Now add these environment variables to Heroku. You can use the cli or the dashboard:

Web Dashboard method:

Heroku App -> Settings -> Reveal Config variables

Add HEROKU_HOSTNAME ensuring https:// and / are removed from each end.

Create local dev environment so the project can be run in Gitpod

The database now exists only on Heroku, so we need to create a connection to a database when running the application in the local environment.

We also need to make sure local is the only place where debug is ON.

In development = os.environ.get('DEVELOPMENT', False)

So that if there is a variable called Development in the environment it's variable will be set to it's value. Otherwise it will be false.

Change: DEBUG = development

So now in development this will be True, and on Heroku it will be false. This avoids exposing any internal source code on the error page in the production version.

Now, in

if development:
        'default': {
            'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3',
            'NAME': os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'db.sqlite3'),
        'default': dj_database_url.parse(os.environ.get('DATABASE_URL'))

So we can switch between databases based on whether the app is running local or production mode.

In Gitpod. Upper right - Settings -> Environment Variables -> Create variable called DEVELOPMENT and change to true.

Allow local host to run the app ... in

if development:
    ALLOWED_HOSTS = ['localhost']
    ALLOWED_HOSTS = [os.environ.get('HEROKU_HOST', '')]

Securing Secret key

Need to regenerate a new secret key and secure the app.

Change to SECRET_KEY = os.environ.get('SECRET_KEY', '')

Google 'django secret ket generator' Or:

Add the new key in gitpod settings.

Generate a separate key for Heroku and add that too.