
Chat app written in Flask and Python using Code Institute tutorial.

Primary LanguagePython

Flask Chat Room App

This is a chat app written in Flask. Two different web browsers can be used to access the app, and then two users can chat with each other.

Credits: App written following Code Institute tutorial

This documentation is the developers personal log of the learning process.

Project Aims

  • Create and run flask project
  • Take data from URLs and Store
  • Present stored data back to user
  • Create URLs based around user names
  • When user Adds a message, this will be displayed along with a timestamp


  • HTML
  • Python
  • Flask
  • Jinja
  • Git


Basic Setup

Setup using VS Code on a Mac

  • sudo pip3 install Flask to install Flask

  • python3 -m venv env to install virtual environment in that folder

  • Open command pallette, type Python: Select Interpreter and select the virtual environment in your project folder that starts with ./env or .\env

  • In command pallette, run Terminal: Create New Integrated Terminal

  • Install Flask in the virtual environment with pip3 install Flask

  • Create app.py (In flask, the convention is to use run.py or app.py)

  • from flask import Flask to import Flask in app.py Capital F indicates a class name.

  • Create instance of flash within app.py with app = Flask(name)

  • In Terminal python3 -m flask run to run the app and serve

  • pip3 freeze --local > requirements.txt

Adding Views

Storing messages in lists

  • Create messages list
  • Create add_messages function
  • Update line 19 to return data from the list
  • Test by checking as before
  • import redirect from Flask library
  • call add_messages function in send_message function
  • Update user function to display messages
  • Check everyone redirects to, and displays Welcome, kate - ['kate: hello everyone']

Displaying messages in more friendly format

  • Create get_all_messages function and call it from user function. This will use
    tags to separate each new message.

Expanding functionality

Adding timestamps

  • In app.py use from datetime import datetime to import datetime
  • Use strf time method in line 10 to convert date time obeject into string - use brackets to provide format
  • Test

Creating index.html

  • import render_template from Flask
  • Edit index view to return render_template("index.html")
  • Test

Creating users

  • Use Flask to create session cookie and store username
  • Import request and session module from Flask
  • Create secret key (use string, but for production this would be an environment variable)
  • Create form in index.html
  • Allow GET and POST in index route
  • Use if loop to assign input from form to username variable and store as session variable as session cookie

Storing in a dictionary

  • Refactor add_messages function to store in dictionary so that different messages can easily be accessed.
  • Removed get_all_messages function - no longer needed

Create template for chats to display dictionary data

  • Create chat.html and use render_template to load it.
  • Use Jinja to display data from message dictionary.
  • Add Javascript to auto reload

Create a message textbox for user input

  • Add form to chat.html for message input.
  • Update username route in app.py to permit GET and POST methods
  • Add if function to username route to receive form input and assign variables
  • Refactor javascript to stop it refreshing whilst form is being completed.

Tidying up

  • Rename add_messages function to add_message
  • Remove messages_dict variable - not needed
  • Import url_for and use on line 24, 36. If url changes, redirects will update.
  • Change url for chat on line 29
  • Remove username/message route and view

Prepare for production

  • Set secret key using environment variable.
  • Create Procfile with echo web: python app.py redirect > Procfile
  • Create secret key in config vars

Future Plans

  • Use css to add 'bubble' theme for each new message
  • Vary the above to alternate colour of each new chat 'bubble'