
Python with Flask Learning Project

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Python with Flask Introduction

NB Project created following tutorial followed from the Code Institute.

Adapted to use VSCode on a mac instead of AWS Cloud9 as used in the tutorial.

This readme file is the developers own documentation for the learning project.

Project Aims

  • Create a Fan Page for Thorin and Company

Developer Aims - learn how to:

  • Create and run a Flask project
  • Serve HTML/CSS/JS from the back end
  • Make code re-usable by using template logic
  • Use Jinja templating language to achieve above
  • Use template inheritance to keep identical navbar across all pages.
  • Add pages and integrate data
  • Use forms to take data from client and pass to server
  • Post data from a HTML form to the backend
  • Deploy a Flask project using Heroku


  • Responsive bootstrap template
  • Consistent header across all pages
  • Hero image on home page
  • Consistent header styles throughout via bootstrap template
  • About page features bio information on each member
  • About page loads data from ad hoc json database and links to sub pages for each element in the database
  • Contact form with logging of content submitted and flash message in response


  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Bootstrap
  • Python
  • Flask
  • Jinja

Future Plans

  • Read Jinja and Flask documentation fully, follow Flask demo tutorial
  • Fully functioning email form by adding a flask Extension
  • Create a branch, load json data from Star Wars API and use this as the source for a Star Wars character profile
  • Create a branch and refactor the project for a Hogwarts Students database, including a database for each of the four houses


Setup using VS Code on a Mac

sudo pip3 install Flask used to install Flask python3 -m venv env to install virtual environment in that folder Open command pallette, type Python: Select Interpreter and select the virtual environment in your project folder that starts with ./env or .\env In command pallette, run Terminal: Create New Integrated Terminal Install Flask in the virtual environment with pip3 install Flask Create app.py (In flask, the convention is to use run.py or app.py) from flask import Flask to import Flask. Capital F indicates a class name. Create instance of flash within app.py with app = Flask(name)

In Terminal python3 -m flask run to run the app and serve

Rendering html

Import the render_template function from Flask and use this to render files eg index.html Html files saved in templates folder for Flask conventions.


Add routing using / for index.html and /about for about.html Refactor to include three views and routes, using Jinja templating to direct to corresponding html files.


Use inheritance to set up template for header area and pass content in to the template.


Applied a bootstrap theme by downloading from startbootstrap.com and adding custom Jinja code to link to files.


Added some content from Lord of The Rings Wiki using Bootstrap classes. Refactor to pass page titles from app.py to each page, to be displayed within h2 tags.

Working with data

Create company.json file which contains data on Thorin & Company (name, bio, image url) Display the above in about.html Iterate through json data to display each member of the company on the about.html page

Template Logic

Add list data 1,2,3 to app.py and use a for loop on about.html to display this data in three

tags. Use for loop to display data on each member. Use if loop to check loop.index and display image on left or right of text for that member accordingly. Add if loop to remove hr if loop.index is equal to 13.

Advanced Routing

Use new route about/member_name to hyperlink each title to a page for that member. Pass variable to routing to hyperlink each h3 to member data using variables.

Handling form

Paste form from Bootstrap template. Add method="POST" for http method in form. Give each input in the form a name eg name="name" for name inputted. Refactor app.py line 32 to specify get and post methods allowed. Check debugger for a 200 response code when form clicked. (Everything works) Import request library from Flask in app.py line 3 Use if request.method on app.py line 34 to print message and form data to debugger when form used. Import flash function from flask (line 3 of app.py) Add flashed message to contact view in app.py Add with block to contact.html to display flash message


Four steps to deploying in Heroku

  1. Create Heroku app
  2. Link git repo
  3. Create requirements.txt
  4. Create Procfile

Type heroku to check Heroku installed. If not installed, install heroku with brew tap heroku/brew && brew install heroku Use heroku login to login from CLI. (Opens browser) Use heroku apps to list apps created Can use heroku apps:rename newnamehere --app currentnamehere to rename Check app is running eg https://thorin-and-company-learning.herokuapp.com/ Link github repo to Heroku Use git remote -v to check remote link - should be absent Go to Heroku Settings page for this project Copy git url for this project eg: https://git.heroku.com/thorin-and-company-learning.git In CLI used git remote add heroku https://git.heroku.com/thorin-and-company-learning.git or equivalent Use git remote -v to check above Use git status to check status is clean Use git push -u heroku master to push files Error: no default language detected.

Create requirements.txt

Type sudo pip3 freeze --local > requirements.txt to create requirements.txt file in current directory Check requirements.txt exists and has content expected eg Flask Pip will install python and requirements.

Create proc file to instruct Heroku how to run project

The proc file is a Heroku specific file that tells Heroku how to run project Use echo web: python app.py > Procfile to redirect to Procfile Use git add Procfile to add Procfile and commit. NB Use capital p Use git push to push files Still will not run on Heroku - need to start web process. Use heroku ps:scale web=1 to start web process Set IP and Port environment variables on Heroku project settings. Set Config vars to: IP and PORT to 5000 Click More <> button Restart all dynos in Heroku App should now be running fully in the browser.


Need to replace:

if name == "main": app.run(debug=True) with if name == 'main': app.run(host=os.environ.get('IP'), port=int(os.environ.get('PORT')), debug=True)

In app.py

By using the IP and PORT environment variables in your code you can keep the same code for all computers and then set the values locally in config vars or in a bash script.

Resources and reference / support used

VSCode setup Instructions: https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/python/tutorial-flask

Bootstrap template from: https://startbootstrap.com/themes/clean-blog/

Text content from: https://lotr.fandom.com/wiki/Thorin_and_Company

Installing Heroku: https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/heroku-cli

Jinja documentation: https://jinja.palletsprojects.com/en/2.10.x/

Flask documentation: https://flask.palletsprojects.com/en/1.0.x/

Using python environments in VScode: https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/python/environments