Conveyor animates HTML anchor navigation. It uses vanilla JavaScript and has no library dependencies.
Conveyor looks for links with a data attribute of data-fx and a value of conveyor. Example:
<a href="#home" data-fx="conveyor" class="nav-home">Home</a>
Each link must have a matching id target. For example, the above link must correspond to something in the dom like:
<div id="home"></div>
Once the links have the proper data attribute create a new instance of Conveyor and add custom options (see below):
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
var conveyor = new Conveyor({
// options
}, false);
All options are optional and do not need to be set.
Type: String
animationEasing: 'easeInOutCubic'
Sets the easing of the scroll animation. Values are from Robert Penner's easing equations.
Type: Number
duration: 1000
The duration of the animation.
Type: Boolean
highlightNav: false
When set to true the active link will be assigned an 'active' class and this class will be removed on all other links that are set in the links option below.
Type: String
links: '[data-fx="conveyor"]'
The selector for the links which trigger the scrolling animation.
Type: Number
milliseconds: 10
The number of milliseconds before the timer is repeated.
Type: Number
offset: 0
Usually the height of a fixed navigation element. You can pass in the offsetHeight of a DOM element like so:
var conveyor = new Conveyor({
offset: document.getElementById('fixedNav').offsetHeight
At the time of this writing Conveyor has been tested in the following browsers:
- Apple Safari 6.0.3
- Google Chome 25.0.1364.172
- Mozilla Firefox 19.0.2
- Robert Penner's easing equations
- Daniel Høier Øhrgaard's animation advice
Conveyor is released under the MIT License.