
Library based on actix-web for user management using JWT authentication

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT


Library based on actix-web for user management using JWT for authentication

NOTE: This repo is currently a work-in-progress, so it is not ready for any production use whatsoever. Either way, feel free to reach out with any questions, concerns, or interest.



This project is a plug-in for web authentication within the excellent actix framework in Rust, fully embracing async from the ground up. JWTs represent user claims, most simply used to make authorize a request to a protected route.

If you have an existing web server using actix, or you want to start using Rust in a web environment, this package may be for you!

You can include this as an actix App within your server, providing routes for:

  • User registration, including email confirmation
  • Password reset through email
  • Password update
  • Login for a bearer / refresh JWT pair
  • Refresh token to receive a new JWT pair, blacklisting previous token pair
  • Logout to blacklist token
  • User deletion
  • Token validation / decoding

Additionally, you can add access token checking using the JwtUserId extractor on your routes, apps, or resources as needed. It provides quick access to the user's id.


Overall app configuration is handled through creation of an AppConfig struct which handles how to create the main components:

  • UserRepo: where the users are stored (files, database, in-memory, etc)
  • EmailSender: transport for sending emails to users, currently only Stub and InMemory are exposed for testing
  • PasswordHasher: for now, just the secret key for the argon2 password hasher and verifier
  • JwtAuthenticator: configure how to create the JWT pair, e.g. token lifetimes, hashing secret, along with an associated blacklist

All components are created on the fly in data_factory on actix's App using provided closures. Note that they must wrapped in an Arc to allow for Sync and Send, and also wrapped in a Box for Sized.

Additionally, each of the types created must be wrapped in an Arc and RwLock, to allow for safe mutation in different threads and async contexts. The ShareableData type and its constructor shareable_data() are provided as easy wrappers.

See the examples for example configurations.


Only SimpleUser is provided out of the box, mainly for testing purposes, youcan simply implement the User trait containing all of the fields that you care about.

Note: there is a requirement for both a Key and an Id. The Key is some user-provided key, e.g. email address or username. The Id is a system-generated identifier, e.g. uuid. You can use the Id in different parts of your system.


JSON Web Tokens are simply a standard for signed or encrypted base-64 encoded JSON, and thus they can be used for all sorts of applications.

In this package, a pair of access and refresh token is issued on login. These tokens have a lifetime defined in the configuration. The access token is designed to be short-lived and reused for every API call. Once it expires, or whenever desired, the refresh token is used to acquire a new access and refresh token pair.

Once a refresh token is used, it becomes blacklisted to avoid being reused in the future.

More information can be found at this excellent guide by Auth0.



  • actix-web, actix-web-httpauth, actix-http, actix-rt: all main actix components
  • bson: requirements for user serialization / deserialization
  • dotenv, dotenv-codegen: managing production secrets
  • log, env_logger: easy logging to stdout
  • serde, serde_json: easy (de)serialization of structs
  • failure: for digestible error messages
  • async-trait, futures: easier async use
  • uuid with serde: generating random user ids and serializing to string
  • jsonwebtoken: creating JWTs on login, validating authenticated routes
  • rust-argon2: for fast argon2 password hashing, argonautics was very slow
  • lettre, lettre_email: for sending emails
  • validator: for simple validation of incoming data


cargo build

.env setup

  • Setup a .env file with the following
  • HASHER_SECRET_KEY: randomly generated string of letters and numbers, used for hashing user passwords
  • JWT_SECRET_KEY: randomly generated string of letters and numbers, used for
  • JWT_ISS: issuer for the JWT
  • FROM_EMAIL: valid email address used for sending emails to users


cargo test

TODO Items

  • Add MongoDB support along with MONGO_URI, MONGO_DB, and MONGO_COLLECTION environment variables for configuration
  • Expose more password hashers
  • Expose all lettre transports
  • Transition lettre email sending to async once tokio is supported
  • Update password hashing to async, which is currently very slow
  • Add example with customized AppConfig
  • Add example with customized User type and user update routes
  • Add example with customized UserRepo for another database provider
  • Make JwtPair generic for different token types (sliding, access-only, etc)
  • Add Redis UserRepo implementation
  • Add Diesel UserRepo implementation
  • Break out different database implementations into crate features
  • Add JwtUser extractor to pull out a full instance of the user, not just the id