Energy simulator

This project aims to take your energy consumption data and run what-if scenarios on it. So for example you could simulate if you have a home battery in place, a heat pump instead of your gas-powered heater and so forth. This simulation assumes data in the format of a P1 meter from HomeWizard.

Set up runtime

First, start the docker containers:

docker compose up -d

Configure your specific information

Next, you need to set your config in application.yml. There are a few values you need to configure.

You need to set the prices for a fixed contract:

      t1: 0.22145
      t2: 0.20935
    gas: 0.99179

You need to refer to the files where you have stored your power and gas data:

  power: P1e-2024-3-19-2024-5-26.csv
  gas: P1g-2024-3-19-2024-5-26.csv

You need to specify the amount of tax you are paying per kWh/m3:

  power: 0.13165
  gas: 0.70544

And you need to specify the scop value of the heat pump you are potentially interested in placing:

scop: 4.0

Start the application

mvn spring-boot:run

Run simulations

Now run a simulation as follows:

curl "http://localhost:8080/import/power?source=dynamic"
curl "http://localhost:8080/import/power?source=fixed"
curl "http://localhost:8080/import/power?source=battery"
curl "http://localhost:8080/import/gas?source=dynamic&heating=boiler"
curl "http://localhost:8080/import/gas?source=fixed&heating=boiler"
curl "http://localhost:8080/import/gas?source=dynamic&heating=heatpump"
curl "http://localhost:8080/import/gas?source=fixed&heating=heatpump"
curl "http://localhost:8080/import/gas?source=battery&heating=heatpump"

Import dashboards

After running your simulations you can view your data in Kibana

To import the dashboards, click the three bars in the top-left of the Kibana screen, navigate to "Stack Management". There you can import the dashboards, select import and choose the file ElasticEnergyCostsDashboards.ndjson

Now you can see your data and make smart decisions about what is right for your energy needs in your home. screenshot