Rewind Code Kata
How to run this code
Locally, you can simply do a bundle install
and then rake db:migrate
and then rails server
There is a ruby sdk for this for when you upgrade it to cards...
Assumptions in the interest of time
- All Json from is valid
- Save the backup in an actual JSON formatted column
- Backup the data by card and not by full data store
- Force my ruby version for all users
- Add how to run section to readme
- Install rubocop
- Add in some basic styles to make it look better
- Hook up CI
- Hook this up to heroku for ease of demo
Pikachu Rewind Task
This is a coding test for a job at Rewind.
Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to carve out 3 hours and create simple web app that manages a backup for the Detective Pikachu Pokémon card set (
Be creative with this. We want to see a functional app that uses the API ( When in doubt, make an executive decision. Functionality is more important than the look and feel. If you finish early, feel free to polish it up.
Your tasks
The home page must display three buttons labeled Create Backup, Purge Backup, and Search Backup.
When the Create Backup button is pressed, your application will back up all of the card information to a persistent data store, for each card, from the Detective Pikachu Pokémon card set.
When the Purge Backup button is pressed, your application will destroy your copy of the card information that was copied.
When the Search Backup button is pressed, your application will present the user with a way to search the backup of card information by name, hit point, and rarity. All cards that match the search criteria will be returned and presented to the user.
Some tips
We typically let candidates chose their language of choice; however, since you do have RoR experience I’d like to see a solution using Rails. Feel free to roll in any gems you’d like to use. Assume you only need to support Google Chrome.