

AngularJS Testing Starter

Setup Unit tests and E2E tests for AngularJS with Karma, Protractor, and Grunt using TodoMVC as the tested app.

Be sure to run npm install

Grunt Commands

grunt serve - Starts Karma, connects to the web server, and re-runs tests when changes are made

grunt karma:unit - Runs unit tests, jshint, and test coverage reporter once

grunt unit-test - Starts Karma and re-runs tests when changes are made

grunt e2e-test - Starts application server and re-runs E2E tests using Protractor when changes are made

grunt test - Starts application server and runs all unit tests and E2E tests once using Karma and Protractor

Blog posts

Karma html2js Plugin

This is disabled as there are no directives in this app with a templateUrl but all the configuration is in the karma-conf.js file.