A small number of tiny wrapper functions to help you get started sending SMSs using Thailand's http://www.thaibulksms.com/. These functions work in plain python plus there's a couple of extra functions specifically designed to work with django and django+celery.
ThaiBulkSMS.com also offer OTP sending and retrieving functionality but that is currently not included in this package. It would be trivial to add.
from pythonthaibulksms.thaibulksms import thaibulksms_sms
'0899999999', # recipient phone number
'Hello! How are you?', # message
True, # True = corporate, False = standard
sender='MY COMPANY', # optional, needs to be set up in advance with thaibulksms.com
schedule='2009301116', # optional, format YYMMDDhhmm
First, add the following config to your project settings.py
'default': {
'username': 'YOUR_USERNAME',
'password': 'YOUR_PASSWORD',
'corporate': True, # True = corporate, False = standard
'sender': 'MY COMPANY' # optional, needs to be set up in advance with thaibulksms.com
Then call the following function as required:
from pythonthaibulksms.django import django_thaibulksms_sms
'0899999999', # recipient phone number
'Hello! How are you?', # message
'default', # optional, which config to use from your settings.py, defaults to 'default'
schedule='2009301116', # optional, format YYMMDDhhmm
Add pythonthaibulksms
section of your project settings.py
To send call the thaibulksms API via a task queue, use:
from pythonthaibulksms.tasks import django_thaibulksms_sms_celery
'0899999999', # recipient phone number
'Hello! How are you?', # message
'default', # optional, which config to use from your settings.py, defaults to 'default'
schedule='2009301116', # optional, format YYMMDDhhmm