
A Meteor wrapper for the NPM socket.io-client binary package

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A Meteor wrapper for the npm socket.io-client binary package.

Meteor 1.3+

Meteor 1.3+ projects should install Socket IO directly from npm instead of using this package.

meteor npm install --save socket.io-client

For more information, refer to the Meteor Guide

Pre Meteor 1.3


This package enables the Meteor server to communicate with an external server over a socket.io connection. Once a the connection is established to the external server, the Meteor server behaves as the client and receives the data stream.


This package exposes a global variable io on the Meteor server in order to establish a websocket connection. Example usage:

// server/file.js

// define the websocket connection using the `io` global variable
var socket = io('https://path-to-external-server-goes-here/');

// subscribe to a data feed
socket.emit('subscribe', 'data-feed-name-goes-here');

// we can now handle connect, disconnect, and data-driven events
// NOTE: you must open up a new fiber using Meteor.bindEnvironment
// in order to perform Mongo read/writes or call Meteor methods
// within the socket connection

// on connect
socket.on('connect', Meteor.bindEnvironment(function() {
  console.log('Connected to the websocket!');

  // on data event
  socket.on('data-event', Meteor.bindEnvironment(function(data) {
  }, function(e) {
    throw e;

  // on disconnect
  socket.on('disconnect', Meteor.bindEnvironment(function() {
    console.log('Disconnected from the websocket!');
  }, function(e) {
    throw e;

}, function(e) {
  throw e;

Supported Architectures

This binary package is compiled with Meteor Build and should work on all four of the officially supported Meteor architectures:

  • OS X (os.osx.x86_64)
  • Linux on 64-bit Intel (os.linux.x86_64)
  • Linux on 32-bit Intel (os.linux.x86_32)
  • Windows (os.windows.x86_32)