
GraphQL chat app with AppSync JavaScript resolver and DynamoDB designed with a single table

Primary LanguageTypeScript

AppSync realtime chat app

Super scalable GraphQL chat app with AppSync JavaScript resolver and DynamoDB designed with a single table.

Tech Stack

Module Tech
GraphQL Resolver JavaScript Resolver
GraphQL Code Generation Amplify CLI
Datasource Amazon DynamoDB
Unit test Jest

GraphQL Schema

type Message {
    id: ID!
    body: String!
    from: User!
    createdAt: AWSDateTime

type User {
    id: ID!
    name: String!
    profilePicture: String
    createdAt: AWSDateTime

type Chat {
    id: ID!
    name: String!
    members: Members
    messages: Messages
    createdAt: AWSDateTime

type Members {
  items: [User]
  nextToken: String

type Messages {
  items: [Message]
  nextToken: String

input SendMessageInput {
  body: String!
  toChatId: ID!

input CreateChatInput {
  name: String

input InviteMembersInput {
  chatId: ID!
  members: [ID!]!

input UpdateUserInput {
  name: String
  profilePicture: String 

type Mutation {
  sendMessage(input: SendMessageInput!): Message
  createChat(input: CreateChatInput!): Chat
  inviteMembers(input: InviteMembersInput!): Members
  updateUser(input: UpdateUserInput!): User

input OnSendMessageFilter {
  chatId: ID!

type Subscription {
  onSendMessage(input: OnSendMessageFilter!): Message @aws_subscribe(mutations: ["sendMessage"])

type Query {
  getChat(chatId: ID!): Chat

DynamoDB Design

AWS Amplify generates DynamoDB tables with multi-table design based on @model directive, but deeply nested model tend to cause peformance issue since each resolver only focuses on retrieving one object at a time in sequaential. For example, Query to Global Secondary Index of Message table will be needed, if messages field is requested from Chat type, meaning GetItem to Chat table and Query to Message table are required. On the other hand, only the single query to Chat table is enought to get all messages belong to the chat for single-table desing. Farthermore, single-table is cost effective since it doesn't need any secondary-index by combining multiple object types in a single table.

Code Generation

Amplify CLI enables to generate TypeScript Models and Statements from AppSync Schema. You can add only Amplify Codegen project without amplify init

amplify codegen add

Edit auto-generated .graphqlconfig.yml to generate GraphQL statement for both front-end and backend

  Codegen Project:
    schemaPath: ./schema.graphql
      - src/graphql/**/*.ts
      - ./amplify/**
        codeGenTarget: typescript
        generatedFileName: ./src/API.ts
        docsFilePath: src/graphql
        region: us-east-1
        apiId: null
        frontend: javascript
        framework: react
    schemaPath: ./schema.graphql
      - src/graphql/**/*.ts
      - ./amplify/**
        codeGenTarget: typescript
        generatedFileName: ./../backend/lib/resolvers/functions/API.ts
    version: 3

You can generate TypeScript statements to implement AppSync Resolver.

amplify codegen


You can evaluate AppSync resolver template by using Evaluate Code API, and easily check if the given args are properly mapped to the request template.

cd backend
yarn test

But the test will be evaluated via network connection, hence some test might timeout with default configuration for Jest. You can change maximum timeout value by setting testTimeout at jest.config.js

module.exports = {
  testEnvironment: 'node',
  roots: ['<rootDir>/test'],
  testMatch: ['**/*.test.ts'],
  transform: {
    '^.+\\.tsx?$': 'ts-jest'
  testTimeout: 15000

TypeScript for AppSync Resolver

tsconfig.json should be separated from CDK code since APPSYNC_JS runtime provides functionality similer to the ECMAScript (ES) version 6.0

yarn add -D @aws-appsync/eslint-plugin
npm init @eslint/config # chose yarn as package manager

update extends property of .eslintrc.yml

  "extends": ["plugin:@aws-appsync/base"]