
Optimizely CMS 12 JAMStack Kit - Uses NextJs and Optimizely CMS 12 to render static site generated websites

Primary LanguageCSS

Optimizely CMS 12 JAMStack Demo - By Jon D Jones 💥

Uses NextJs, Netlify, Cloudflare Pages and a Cloudflare Worker. Built using a free template from HTMLUp.

Cloudflare Pages Hosted Version 👻

Within Cloudflare, you need to set this environment variable. Set NODE_VERSION with 12.22.0. Cloudflare uses _redirects and _headers

Website: https://jamstack.jondjones.com/

Web Hook: https://api.cloudflare.com/client/v4/pages/webhooks/deploy_hooks/aff1d512-5404-4b0a-97e5-4bcbfc5e04e1

Netlify Hosted Version 🕶

Netlify uses netlify.toml to configure the site.

Within netlify, you need to set this environment variable. Add CI ENV var with value false

Website: https://cms12-jamstack.netlify.app

Netlify Status

Optimizely 12 Content CMS 💻

CMS 12 Starter Kit: https://github.com/jondjones/JonDJones.OptimizelyCMS.V12.StarterKit

CMS URL: http://cms12.jondjones.com/

Architecture 😍


Useful Links ⚡️