
pico-8 game for ludum dare 42 - Play it in your browser!

Primary LanguageLua



"Crushed" is a game developed by Jon Koon and Rusty Bailey over a weekend for the game jam, Ludum Dare 42. The theme for this jam was "Running out of Space". The game is hosted on itch.io (https://rustybailey.itch.io/crushed) and you can find the LD42 page here (https://ldjam.com/events/ludum-dare/42/crushed).


Enter a cursed tower where the world has come alive and grows with every touch! Reach the top of the tower to attain the chalice and break the curse!


  • Use the arrow keys to move.
  • Press Z or Up Arrow to jump.
  • If you get stuck, press Enter to open the pause menu and select “Restart Level”.

Good luck!

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