
rails 3 starter app that includes mongoid, devise and more. including productivity boosters (see below)

Primary LanguageRuby


So really, I lied. This includes much more than Mongoid, Devise and Rails 3.
Here are some things for you to check out:

  • kaminari for pagination
  • fabrication for seeds and fixtures
  • factory_girl for fixtures
  • compass set up properly
  • spork set up properly
  • resque and resque_mailer for redis based queue and mailer
  • asset_packager for compressing your js and css (avoided Jammit due to java issues on Win32)
  • timecop for testing
  • database_cleaner set up to erase your mongo data in tests
  • ruby-prof for when you need it
  • Termfile set up with all of your dependencies. Starts mongo, redis, compass, rails and gvims the app's folder.

How To Use

Just clone, run bundle install followed by terminitor start (did you not get terminitor yet ?!). You're ready to code.

PS, if you care, remember to replace MongoidDeviseStarterApp const around the app.


As I tried to make this suitable both for Linux and Windows development, you'll find a hint of Win32 in the Termfile and *.bat files. other than that the project was mostly built on Linux. You're welcome to remove those parts that you don't like.