
Much To-Do About Nothing

Primary LanguageJava


Much To-Do About Nothing

This is going to ultimately be my take on some sort of productivity/to-do list app. I haven't finalised all the features I would like to support, let alone the style I am hoping to feature.


This currently requires you to include a secrets.properties file under the resources folder. So far all it needs is a single property, todoist.bearer.token=<todoist bearer token>. I am not committing it to Git for obvious reasons.


Broadly, it will feature a Java-based back-end - perhaps one day ported over to Scala if I ever feel particularly ambitious - as well as a JavaScript front-end web app. I am thinking either Angular 1 or Angular 2. As of now I am undecided on which. I am going to try and incorporate as many interesting technologies/practices I have come across at work as I can. In no particular order, and probably to be added to in the future:

  • Java
    • Lombok
    • MoreUnit
    • Spring
    • Hibernate?
    • TestNG
    • Mockito
    • Jackson
    • WireMock
    • Guava
  • JavaScript
    • TypeScript?
    • Jasmine
    • Karma
    • Protractor
    • Angular 1/2
  • General Web
    • HTML5
    • CSS3
    • Bootstrap
  • Tools
    • Jira
    • Confluence
    • Vim
    • IntelliJ
    • Maven
    • Sonar
    • Flyway
    • TeamCity [Done]
  • DB
    • Postgres
  • Practices
    • TDD

Security Tests

Find-Sec-Bugs can be run as part of the build with the following target:

mvn spotbugs:spotbugs

Results can be found in target/spotbugsXml.xml.

The Find-Sec-Bugs GUI can be run to show the same results:

mvn spotbugs:gui

For more details see: https://find-sec-bugs.github.io/