//put some padding on the bottom of the photo browse page //search photos function //create push history for create photo

#Tags -Make some seed data -Get JSON up -Add them to the photo- call photo.tags -Add content to Photo card with Tags -Add tags to Photo creation

#Tag search Bar

  • semantic ui container
  • create state
  • create a searchContainer component
  • filter results based on photo.tags

#BUGS - - fixed added logic in user controller username and token are undefined in localStorage - creating a username does not tell you username is already taken


  • Do Subheading of like "find and share street art in your local community"

Remove tag feature


  • Use own props in the map state to props to find the particular photo
  • return it as a prop

find marker by id

  • maps/id if they click on one
  • Render marker based on what they clicked on
  • setup a marker in store
  • if they click on it from the show page add marker to store
  • check assign variable in map to store or to all
  • center map based on marker
  • find a way to clear state after leaving the page

"fixed bug on link in infowindow - it didn't go to the right show page"

Got google directions to work. Turns out...

- Instead of using googlemaps api account use api=1 and redirect to google maps page.  Using the url parameters pass
in lat/lng for destination and origin.  
- When you use connect to map props you need to wrap it in
  withRouter for your routes to work
- Use window.open(....) to have the url open in a new window
- a tag does work - use target= *"_blank"* to get it to pop new window

search by zip code

like/comment on photos