
Small nodejs api for testing purposes

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This application is meant for demonstration purposes only. It's designed to show a functioning user authentication system, basic restful API, database setup via docker.


Breezy-API is a restful api that allows users to authenticate and save their favorite locations via label and zipcode.

Environment Setup

The .env.local file has all the environment variables needed to run the application locally. In order to start the application, the following tasks should be done in the following order:

  • Copy .env.local to .env
  • In a standalone shell, docker-compose up to start the mariadb container with a default database.
  • In a standalone shell, yarn to install packages
  • yarn migrate to setup the db schema
  • yarn seed to seed the database
  • yarn start to launch to api

Notable Packages Used

GraphQL Notes

  • Playground accessible at http://localhost:3000/graphql
  • In the Http Headers section, update header with a valid session key that can be derived from the cookie generated when a valid login is generated (i.e. via postman)

Helpful Resources