
Based on the supposition that scientists are more efficient when aided by computers and more effective when intimately familiar with their methods, the objective of this training program is for laboratory researchers to achieve and exceed basic computational competency.

BTIP General Computing Training Program (GCTP)

Our goals are as follow:

  1. Become proficient
  2. Automate as much of your work as possible
  3. Achieve extreme levels of efficiency, rigor, and reproducibility

I have attempted ordered these topics in such a way as so that they are maximally efficient for the new user. Systems for writing are placed in the begining because while the tools are compatable with software, they are just as convenient for human readability. Thus, they represent an excellent set of tools for writing your lab notebook.


  1. Helpful software (Kite has been become GitHub Copilot)
  2. Atom
  3. YAML
  4. ...