
Simple address and contact management for Laravel.

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Laravel Addresses

Simple address and contact management for Laravel with automatical geocoding to add longitude and latitude.


Require the package from your composer.json file

"repositories": [
        "type": "vcs",
        "url": "https://github.com/jonesrussell/laravel-addresses"
"require": {
	"jonesrussell/laravel-addresses": "dev-master"

and run $ composer update.

Configuration & Migration

$ php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Jonesrussell\Addresses\AddressesServiceProvider"

This will publish the config file to config/jonesrussell.php and some migration files, that you'll have to run:

$ php artisan migrate


First, add our HasAddresses trait to your model.

<?php namespace App\Models;

use Jonesrussell\Addresses\Traits\HasAddresses;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class Post extends Model
    use HasAddresses;

    // ...
Add an Address to a Model
$post = Post::find(1);
    'street'     => '123 Example Drive',
    'city'       => 'Vienna',
    'post_code'  => '1110',
    'country'    => 'AT', // ISO-3166-2 or ISO-3166-3 country code
    'is_primary' => true, // optional flag

Alternativly you could do...

$address = [
    'street'     => '123 Example Drive',
    'city'       => 'Vienna',
    'post_code'  => '1110',
    'country'    => 'AT', // ISO-3166-2 or ISO-3166-3 country code
    'is_primary' => true, // optional flag

Available attributes are street, street_extra, city, post_code, state, country, state, notes (for internal use). You can also use custom flags like is_primary, is_billing & is_shipping. Optionally you could also pass lng and lat, in case you deactivated the included geocoding functionality and want to add them yourself.

Check if Model has Addresses
if ($post->hasAddresses()) {
    // Do something
Get all Addresses for a Model
$addresses = $post->addresses()->get();
Get primary/billing/shipping Addresses
$address = $post->getPrimaryAddress();
$address = $post->getBillingAddress();
$address = $post->getShippingAddress();
Update an Address for a Model
$address = $post->addresses()->first(); // fetch the address

$post->updateAddress($address, $new_attributes);
Delete an Address from a Model
$address = $post->addresses()->first(); // fetch the address

$post->deleteAddress($address); // delete by passing it as argument
Delete all Addresses from a Model


First, add our HasContacts trait to your model.

<?php namespace App\Models;

use Jonesrussell\Addresses\Traits\HasContacts;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class Team extends Model
    use HasContacts;

    // ...
Add a Contact to a Model
$post = Team::find(1);
    'first_name' => 'Alex',
    'website'    => 'https://twitter.com/AMPoellmann',
    'is_primary' => true, // optional flag
Relate Addresses with Contacts

Above all, addresses and contacts can be connected with an optional One To Many relationship. Like so you could assign multiple contacts to an address and retrieve them like so:

$address = config('jonesrussell.addresses.model', \Jonesrussell\Addresses\Models\Address::class)::find(1);
$contacts = $address->contacts;

foreach ($contacts as $contact) {
$contact = config('jonesrussell.contacts.model', \Jonesrussell\Addresses\Models\Contact::class)::find(1)
$contact = config('jonesrussell.contacts.model', \Jonesrussell\Addresses\Models\Contact::class)::find(1);

return $contact->address->getHtml();

The address model provides a method geocode() which will try to fetch longitude and latitude through the Google Maps API. Please make sure to add your key within the services config file at services.google.maps.key. If you set the option jonesrussell.addresses.geocode to true, the package will automatically fire the geocode() method whenever an addresses model is saved (precisely we hook into the saving event).


  • [2021-02-02] v1.0 The geocode configuration option now defaults to false.
  • [2022-05-16] v1.1 Updated dependencies to PHP 8 and Laravel 8/9 - for older versions please refer to v1.0.
  • [2023-02-21] v1.2 Laravel 10 support.
  • [2023-09-21] v1.3 Support custom models for addresses and contacts, thanks to @bfiessinger. The geocoding feature now requires a Google Maps key, see 'Geocoding' above. Also, @bfiessinger has added fallback support for flags, see pull request #40 for further info.
  • [in-progress] v1.4 Added additional contact fields to the addresses table, to allow for easier standalone usage (without the contacts model). This is intended to reduce the complexity of relationships and queries, that before were necessary e.g. to generate a shipping label from address and contact.


Licensed under MIT license.


Handcrafted with love by Alexander Manfred Poellmann in Vienna & Rome.