
lightweight prototyping framework for asp.net mvc

Primary LanguageC#


Some helpful stuff to make rapidly prototyping asp.net mvc projects easy peasy. Worry about building your app and not writing pointless controller code.

Razz can also act as a static site, since the controller's responsibility is to locate the view and only locate the view it's almost like a static site.

How to use it.


Change the class definition to look like this

public class MvcApplication : Razz.GlobalBase


There are 2 ways to get Razz.Controllers working on your site. Both are super simple and easy to setup.

Use the included PageController

Razz includes a simple controller that will handle requests that come from a RazzRoute. To enable this controller add this route to your global.asax.cs

      new { controller = "Page", action = "Index"},
      new string[] { "Razz.Controllers" }

Inherit from BaseController

public HomeController : Razz.Controllers.BaseController {
    public ActionResult Index() {
        return View();

In both of the above examples the below will be true:

Now a url like this


Will map to



Razz also supports setting the sites language based on the domain that is used to load the site.

Say for instance you had a site that you wanted to support english and french on (these are currently the only supported languages in Razz).

    <add key="enUrls" value="www.example.com" />
    <add key="frUrls" value="www.examplé.com" />

Now the site will set the Session["Culture"] properly depending on what domain you use to access the site.