public class FizzBuzzTests
FizzBuzzPlayer _player;
ILogger _logger;
public void Setup()
_logger = A.Fake<ILogger>();
_player = new FizzBuzzPlayer(_logger);
public class WhenPlayingA5 : FizzBuzzTests
public void LogsThePlay()
A.CallTo(() => _logger.Log("The fizz-buzz of 5 is buzz.")).MustHaveHappened();
public class WhenPlayingA7 : FizzBuzzTests
public void LogsThePlay()
A.CallTo(() => _logger.Log("The fizz-buzz of 7 is buzz.")).MustHaveHappened();
We can do better.
With Scribe, you can write your C# tests in the RSpec style that you know and love (from, like, every other testing framework out there).
public partial class TheFizzBuzzPlayer : Spec
public TheFizzBuzzPlayer()
BeforeEach(() =>
_player = new FizzBuzzPlayer(A.Fake<ILogger>());
Describe("when playing", () =>
ILogger _logger = null;
BeforeEach(() =>
_logger = A.Fake<ILogger>();
_player = new FizzBuzzPlayer(_logger);
Describe("a 5", () =>
BeforeEach(() =>
It("logs the play", () =>
A.CallTo(() => _logger.Log("The fizz-buzz of 5 is buzz.")).MustHaveHappened();
Describe("a 7", () =>
BeforeEach(() =>
It("logs the play", () =>
A.CallTo(() => _logger.Log("The fizz-buzz of 7 is 7.")).MustHaveHappened();
Scribe is just some syntactic sugar, a pinch of love, and a T4 template that generates the actual test code--after that, your favorite tools and infrastructure still apply.
Available in three popular flavors: MSTest, NUnit, and xUnit.
FakeItEasy not included.