
A collection of my dotfiles for macos. This is a work in progress.



  • brew install stow
  • brew install nvim
  • brew tap homebrew/cask-fonts
  • brew install --cask font-fira-code-nerd-font
    • set your iterm2 font to the one above
  • brew install ripgrep
    • this is for telescope find grep fuzzy searching
  • brew install lazygit


  • brew install tmux reattach-to-user-namespace
  • install tpm
    • git clone ~/.tmux/plugins/tpm


from the this repo's root run:

  • stow nvim
  • stow tmux
  • install packer plugins nvim +PackerSync
  • install tmux tmux plugins
    • <prefix>+I (note: default prefix in this config is <C-a>)
  • add the following line to the ~/.zprofile
    • alias tenv='~/dotfiles/scripts/


  • I think mason-lspconfig should install the ensured lsp servers though I'm not totally confident on that.
  • I'm not sure the sqlls lsp is working.

iterm2 configs

There's lots missing here...

  • Making alt + left/right error jump characters in iterm2 and tmux
    • Preferences > Profile > Keys > Key Mappings
    • Update alt + < to Action: Esc Key and character to send to b
    • Update alt + > to Action: Esc Key and character to send to f


  • pair down the golang-ci linters to the bare minimum.
  • add git config template
  • script the brew commands above