
Heroku + Mono == ?

Primary LanguageShell

Heroku buildpack: Mono

Building Mono 2.10.8 via Vulcan

  1. Download mono tarball and extract into buildpack-mono/mono-2.10.8


  2. Tar archive source

    cd mono-2.10.8 && tar czvf mono-src.tgz .

  3. Build Mono via Vulcan. One approach is to provide the archive, this is useful while debugging failed builds.

    vulcan build -s mono-src.tgz -p /tmp/mono210 -c "./autogen.sh --with-moonlight=no --enable-nls=no --prefix=/tmp/mono210 && ./configure --with-moonlight=no --enable-nls=no --prefix=/tmp/mono210 && make && make install" Alternatively, package and upload in one step.

    vulcan build -s ./mono-2.10.8 -p /tmp/mono210 -c "./autogen.sh --with-moonlight=no --enable-nls=no --prefix=/tmp/mono210 && ./configure --with-moonlight=no --enable-nls=no --prefix=/tmp/mono210 && make && make install"

  4. This will throw a 503 error, however the build is added to the database. As such, need to rebuild with the correct ID.

  5. Issue rebuild command for the previously uploaded build. At this point you should see the output stream of the build process.

Once the build has been completed successfully it will be downloaded and saved onto your local machine.

Upload built Mono binaries to S3

Within the bin/compile script, it downloads the previously built Mono binaries onto the Heroku dyno. As such, the binaries need to be uploaded onto S3.

Using BuildPack

In order to take advantage of Mono and Heroku, you need to specify the buildpack when you create your application.

$ heroku create --stack cedar --buildpack http://github.com/BenHall/heroku-buildpack-mono

When you push your source code, the buildpack will be downloaded and execute - that's when the magic happens.