Xamarin Instrumentation Test

This sample project demonstrates a possible issue (or my own misunderstanding) of performing Android instrumentation tests using Xamarin.

The contents of this project are:

  • SampleApp - A simple, hello world application.
  • Sample - An instrumentation test project.
  • build.sh - Build script that builds both projects, installs them on the target device, and executes the instrumentation test.
  • logcat - Output that happens as result of running build.sh.


When I add the TargetPackage property to the Instrumentation attribute on my TestRunner class, this is what causes the crash. However, if I leave the TargetPackage off, the crash doesn't occur, but the Instrumentation.TargetContext property (at test run time) is the context of the test, and not of the target application.

I've included a logcat of the output that happens as a result of running the included build script. (Lines 224-226 show the crash)

The output I get on my terminal is:

INSTRUMENTATION_RESULT: shortMsg=Process crashed.