Important: For Amazon AWS OpsWorks Only
Deploying software in a continuous deployment cycle can be made easy using OpsWorks and Chef. These cookbooks are currently only supporting Ubuntu, Symfony and JAR files.
If you require added features, don't hesitate to fork. If your features benefit others too, be so kind to submit a pull request.
ubuntu::install_oracle_java_8 (Lifecycle: Setup)
This recipe automatically installs Oracle's latest Java 8 JRE.
Note: When using this recipe, keep in mind you automatically agree to the terms of the JRE license.
ubuntu::install_wkhtmltopdf_0_12 (Lifecycle: Setup)
This recipe automatically installs the commandline tool wkhtmltopdf v0.12 and encapsulates the command within X virtual framebuffer to perform graphical operations in memory without showing any screen output.
Note: The tool will be located in /usr/bin/
symfony::acl_setup (Lifecycle: Deploy)
This recipe automatically installs acl.
symfony::configure (Lifecycle: Deploy)
This recipe sets up automatically the following:
- ACL for writable folders.
- Configures parameters.yml based on the configured Environment Variables in Apps.
- Installs the latest version of Composer.
- Runs Composer to install third-party bundles.
- And... Runs specified Symfony commands.
Note: When running Symfony commands it automatically detects whether to run bin/console or app/console based on the Symfony version.
To specify which writable folders are required or which Symfony commands needs to be run, the following example Custom JSON can be used:
"custom_env": {
"type": "symfony",
"writable_folders": [
"symfony_cl": [
"cache:clear --env=prod",
"assetic:dump --env=prod"
java::configure (Lifecycle: Deploy)
This recipe sets up automatically the following:
- Configures parameters.yml based on the configured Environment Variables in Apps in the root folder of the application.
- Stops the corresponding running JAR (Java Archive) by sending a SIGTERM to the corresponding process.
- Starts the corresponding JAR (Java Archive) as a daemon encapsulated in a nohup process.
Note: When the JAR (Java Archive) is running as a daemon, it logs application output to logs.txt in the root folder of the application.
Note: When the JAR (Java Archive) is running as a daemon, it logs application errors to errors.txt in the root folder of the application.
Note: When specifying the Repository type in Apps use HTTP Archive. The JAR (Java Archive) should be stored as a zip.
Recommendation: When using HTTP Archive use Artifactory for continuous integration and development.
To specify which jar file needs to be run and daemonized, the following example Custom JSON can be used:
"custom_env": {
"type": "java",
"jar": "YOUR_JAR_FILE.jar"
Click the link to read the terms. Licensed under Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported.