-------------------------------------------- -- 2.0 Release Candidate -------------------------------------------- This is a release candidate, use at your own risk. Please switch to the for production releases: $ git checkout -------------------------------------------- -- Templify -------------------------------------------- We no longer support the use of the Visual Studio templates for installation of S#arp Architecture. With version 2.0, we have dropped support for Visual Studio 2008 altogether. To learn how to get a S#arp Architecture solution up and running, please go to http://blog.sharparchitecture.net/post/Using-Templify-to-create-a-new-Sarp-Architecture-solution.aspx -------------------------------------------- -- Downloads -------------------------------------------- Downloads can always be found here: https://github.com/sharparchitecture/Sharp-Architecture/downloads -------------------------------------------- -- Building S#arp Architecture -------------------------------------------- Perform the following command in GitBash: $ git clone git@github.com:sharparchitecture/Sharp-Architecture.git $ git submodule init $ git submodule update Now you should have the latest development branch of SA 2.0 and submodules. Now go to /Build and run the Build.cmd or BuildAndPackage.cmd files to build S#arp Architecture -------------------------------------------- -- Documentation and Assemblies -------------------------------------------- * /Artefacts/Documentation/: Contains a link to comprehensive, online documentation at http://wiki.sharparchitecture.net/, and a diagram of what a S#arp Architecture project looks like. * /Drops/<Version Number>/: Holds released SharpArch assemblies - it does not include the third party library's that are needed by S#arp Architecture. You must run the BuildAndPackage.cmd file first. -------------------------------------------- -- How's this release organized? -------------------------------------------- * /Artefacts/: Contains various artefacts for the project * /Build/: Contains the .cmd files needed to build the solution * /ReferencedAssemblies/: Contains all of the required 3rd party assemblies. * /RequiredPackages/: Contains the required tools needed to build S#arp Architecture. * /License.txt: I'll let you guess what this is. * /Solutions/: This contains all of the source code in their various projects. * /VersionHistory.txt: Details version numbers of dependencies, changes since previous releases, upgrade details, and a roadmap of what's coming.
S#arp Architecture: ASP.NET MVC Best Practices with NHibernate