Who Can Help Me? is a web application that allows communities to capture skill profiles, making it easier to find people who can help you. It is also a technology showcase of Sharp Architecture (including ASP.NET MVC 1.0, NHibernate & Fluent NHibernate).
- alecwhittingtonThe Trailer Park
- AntiGameZLos Angeles, CA
- BenHallLondon
- binarymashBinaryMash
- developerdame
- djsmith
- felipeleusinShopify
- jamesbroomeendjin
- jcarDallas, TX
- Jiannan
- jmallinger
- jongeorge1London, UK
- jonhilt
- karunakerreddyvHyderabad
- kujotxUnited States
- lcranfCranford Technologies, LLC
- lukebennett@trustflight
- lukehuttonVancouver, BC
- mactina
- manesiotise
- MartinFMiami Beach, Florida, USA
- mattquinn4
- mrtnsVictoria, Canada
- NicoJuicySapico
- phucthaidoan
- ramonsmits@Particular / @nbraceit
- riccardod
- saksoyAnkara, TR
- salem84Avanade
- Soopster
- stormwildPhilippines
- terryso广州加持科技有限公司
- YitzchokBrooklyn NY
- yuren1978Ohio State University
- zihotkiInfront ASA
- ZoxiveMidland, MI