
I want to control the server remotely. However, there are security problems. So, I decided to develop a program that can remote control the server safely and easily. It is using email's pop3 server located in internal network. This is still not perfect from a security. However, if you are using a well-controlled internal network it will be very useful.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


I want to control the server remotely. However, there are security problems. So, I decided to develop a program that can remote control the server safely and easily. It is using email's pop3 server located in internal network. This is still not perfect from a security. However, if you are using a well-controlled internal network it will be very useful.


This is mail.cfg file content.



echo=\[Daily report\] (?P<param>.*)
echo2=\[WARNING\] (?P<param>.*)
  • Host
    • POP3
      • Server address of pop3. (ex: outlook.office365.com)
  • SSL
    • 1 is SSL, 0 is Non-SSL
  • Account
    • User
      • User account for POP3
    • Password
      • User password for POP3
  • Rules
    • key
      • Python module name in modules subdirectory.
    • value
      • A regular expression for subject selecting.
      • ?P<param> is input parameter to module.

Module Sample

Sample of echo.py in modules subdirectory.

#! /usr/bin/env python

def main(param):
    # implement your command
    print('echo module', param)

if __name__ == '__main__':


You can run a main.py file periodically or use crontab.


mail-commander is available under the terms of the MIT License.