- 3
[ENH] Get reproducible results with PCGA (set the initial vector used by scipy.sparse.linalg.eigsh ...)
#18 opened by antoinecollet5 - 2
No mf.hds output file
#17 opened by brixel-1984 - 1
model size
#16 opened by pavane - 1
Release on pypi ?
#13 opened by antoinecollet5 - 0
Wrong packaging as imports pyPCGA
#14 opened by antoinecollet5 - 5
Missing stwave_utils
#11 opened by Mahtaw - 11
- 2
problem with mf2005 file on Mac
#10 opened by Mahtaw - 4
problem using linear trend in stwave example
#9 opened by mfarthin - 3
link stwave example with ERDC stwave scripts
#7 opened by mfarthin - 5
- 1
add Red River Inset jupyter notebook
#2 opened by mfarthin