
In response to my blog post, here is the code for implementing Koala (facebook api libarary) in a Rails 3 app

Primary LanguageRuby

Koala Rails Sample App
by Anna Billstrom

Feb 26, 2012 - updated the app name all over from KoalaTest to SampleKoalaRailsApp (thanks George K for the note). Sorry about that- KoalaTest was my original app name.

A sample app to show the Facebook API Koala's connectivity and session management. 
I put this together in response to various requests on my blog post, http://www.banane.com/2011/10/13/ruby-on-rails-and-facebook-api-koala-basic-example/

I'm using a sample application id - please insert your own before running or testing.

Contact me at banane-at-gmail.com with questions, etc.