
This library allows you to set a calendar of holidays in your Laravel application in a simple way

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

Business Day

This date library extends Date which in turn extends Carbon library. So all functionality of these libraries is also avaible. This library allows you to set a calendar of holidays in your Laravel application in a simple way.

Install using composer:

composer require colybri/business-day

Laravel 5

For Laravel 5.5 or lower you must use version 1 of this library.

Laravel version Compatibility

Laravel Package
5.0.x 1.0.x
5.1.x 1.0.x
5.2.x 1.0.x
5.3.x 1.0.x
5.4.x 1.0.x
5.5.x 1.0.x
5.6.x 2.0.x
5.7.x 2.0.x

In Laravel 5.6 or higher, this package will be automatically discovered and you can safely skip the following two steps. Add the following to the providers array in config/app.php:


You can also add it as a Facade in config/app.php:

'BusinessDay' => Colybri\BusinessDay\BusinessDay::class,


First of all you must configure the options of your holidays calendar in config/business-day.php file. In order to edit the default configuration for this package you may execute:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Colybri\BusinessDay\BusinessDayServiceProvider"
use Colybri\BusinessDay\BusinessDay;

$date = BusinessDay::now();

return [
  | Holidays calendar
  'restDay' => 0, //Sunday
  'saturdayIsBusinessDay' => "false",
  'holidays' => [
      //vacational periods
          "01-08", "31-08"
          "24-12", "27-12"

The option restDay set to 0 establish Sunday as holiday. If you don't want this behavior by default set the field to "false". All literal dates must be indicate whit format "d-m". If you want to use available methods of this library for mobile holidays you must to call after to config method. You can also indicates vacational periods with start and end date.


List of methods of the BusinessDay class:

use Colybri\BusinessDay\BusinessDay;

$date = BusinessDay::now();
$date->isBusinessDay(); //return true or false

Methods such as nextBusinessDay and previousBusinessDay return a BusinessDay object with all functionality of Date and Carbon libraries.

Catholic holidays

Available methods for Catholic mobile holidays:

$date = new BusinessDay('2000-01-31', 'Europe/Brussels');

All this methods return a BusinessDay object with all functionality of Date and Carbon libraries.

NOTE! In Next versions i will try to include other religious mobile holidays.


Laravel BusinessDay is licensed under The MIT License (MIT).