Your project title


A simple overview of the use/purpose of the project.


Add a more detailed description of what your project entails and set out to do.

You can add some bullet points if you'd like to:

  • List item 1
  • List item 2
  • List item 3

Built With

You can list a the tech stack that you've used over here

Getting Started


This is where you list how to get the project started. It typically just includes telling a person to clone the repo and then to install the dependencies e.g.

  1. Clone the repo:
git clone
  1. Install the dependencies:
npm install


Here is where you detail how to run the app. It typically involves the commands you'd need to run to start the project e.g.

To run the app, run the following commands:

npm run start


Here you can detail any information you want to provide regarding contributing to the project. For big projects you will usually have a separate and link to it, but for smaller projects you can simply include instructions here. These instructions can simply detail the process you want a person to take, such as to make sure to open a pull request so code can be reviewed.


This is where you can leave your social links for people to contact you, such as a LinkedIn profile or Twitter link e.g.

My Twitter page

My LinkedIn page


You can link to your license file here if you're using one, or mention what license the codebase falls under. If you're unsure then you can simply delete this section.


This is where you can add any acknowledgements if you'd like, such as to people who have helped you or any code snippets you'd like to mention. You can delete this section if you don't have any acknowledgements to make.