
Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Sample Microservice Application

Geek's Movie Shop (former Stan's Robot Shop) is a sample microservice application you can use as a sandbox to test and learn containerised application orchestration and monitoring techniques. It is not intended to be a comprehensive reference example of how to write a microservices application, although you will better understand some of those concepts by playing with it. To be clear, the error handling is patchy and there is not any security built into the application.

Forked from the original Robot-Shop repository, by Instana.

This sample microservice application has been built using these technologies:

  • NodeJS (Express)
  • Java (Spark Java)
  • Python (Flask)
  • Golang
  • PHP (Apache)
  • MongoDB
  • Redis
  • MySQL
  • RabbitMQ
  • Nginx
  • AngularJS

Fork this repository

Setup your playground EC2 instance

  1. Setup an EC2 Amazon Linux instance with these properties:
    • t2.medium
    • 24Gb disk
  2. Connect to the instance
  3. Make a copy of setup-ec2-instance.sh and set the required variables:
  4. Copy and paste the changed content on the EC2 terminal
  5. Open port 8888 on EC2 instance to the world (tip: edit instance security group inbound rules)
  6. Take a note of the instance hostname (we need this value to set the PUBLIC_URL variable in .env)

Clone your repository

  1. Make a copy of setup-repository.sh and set the required variables:

  2. Copy and paste the changed content on the EC2 terminal

  3. Edit .env and set the required variables:

    • TAG=latest
    • CLUSTER_NAME=local
  4. Change the repository to the desired training step

    git branch -a

    git checkout --track <branch name>


    git checkout --track origin/S00-no-instrumentation

Docker Deployment

  1. Build all services

    docker-compose build

  2. Bring all services up

    docker-compose up -d

  3. Check loader service

    docker container ls

    Take note of the loader container id and use below

    docker logs <container id> -f

    Output should show a sequence of API calls across all services. Double-check PUBLIC_URL in .env if there is any error output.

Access the Store

The store front is available on http://EC2_INSTANCE_PUBLIC_DNS:8888

Stop your services

docker-compose down

Kubernetes Deployment

  1. Run setup-eks-cluster.sh from the repository folder (it might take 15 mins to complete)

    cd ~/${GITHUB_REPO}


  2. Install New Relic Agents

    cd ~/${GITHUB_REPO}/_infra

    ./k8-newrelic.sh -c

  3. Deploy services

    docker login

    cd ~/${GITHUB_REPO}

    docker-compose push

    cd ~/${GITHUB_REPO}/_infra

    ./k8-services.sh -c

  4. Take note of EKS Load Balancer public URL

    kubectl get services

  5. Update .env PUBLIC_URL variable with this DNS name on port 8080

  6. Deploy the loader

    ./k8-loader.sh -c