=== Multisite Post Duplicator ===
Contributors: MagicStick Tags: multisite, multi site, duplicate, copy, post, page, meta, individual, clone Requires at least: 3.0.1 Tested up to: 4.5 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html
Duplicate any individual page, post or custom post type from one site on your multisite network to another.
== Description ==
Duplicate any individual page, post or custom post type from one site on your multisite network to another.
- Copies all custom fields
- Copies all related post meta
- Includes any custom post type on your network as long as the post type exists in your destination site
- Automatically copy your post/page/custom post type from one site to another from within your workflow
- Copies any featured image (Can be turned on or off in Settings)
- Copies all image media within post content to the new site's media library for exclusive use in the destination site (Can be turned on or off in Settings)
- Copies associated tags (Can be turned on or off in Settings)
- Copies post categories. If the category doesn't exist in the destination site then the category is created and assigned to the post (Can be turned on or off in Settings)
- Copies post taxonomy terms. (Can be turned on or off in Settings). This behaviour assumes that the taxonomies being duplicated have been registered on the destination site.
- Batch Duplication
- Settings page to customise the default behaviour
- Restrict functionality to only certain sites on your network
- Restrict functionality to users of certain roles
- Clean and friendly User Interface
- Select what status you want your new copy of post to be i.e Published, Draft etc
- Specify a prefix for the new post to avoid confusion
- Works with Contact Form 7
- Works with Advanced Custom Fields
- Create your own addons! Multisite Post Duplicator is now fully extendable. Create your own functionality. Check out the API documentation. Check out a list of hooks you can use (http://www.wpmaz.uk/multisite-post-duplicator-actions-and-filters/).
- Choose to ignore specific post meta keys in the duplication process.
== Installation ==
- Upload
folder to your/wp-content/plugins/
directory - Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
- In WordPress admin on any of your sites within your multisite network go to Tools > Multisite Post Duplicator
- Customise the default behaviour by going to Setting > Multisite Post Duplicator Settings
== Frequently Asked Questions ==
= Does this only work on a multisite network? =
= Can I copy custom post types? =
= What about post meta? Will these be copied over? =
= Does this work with advanced custom fields? =
Yes. However, you have to have the same custom fields defined in each of the sites on your network. To help keep the fields in sync try: https://wordpress.org/plugins/acf-multisite-sync/
== Screenshots ==
- User Interface
- Meta Box
- Setting Page
- Batch Duplication
== Changelog ==
= 0.9 =
- NEW (finally): Copy post taxonomy terms. This behaviour assumes that the taxonomies terms being duplicated are from taxonomies that are registered on the destination site.
- NEW: Add list of post meta keys to ignore in settings.
- Fixed bug where category wouldn't copy if the term id didn't marry up with the destination term id.
- Fixed bug where categories with special characters would cause unexpected results
- Some UI improvements
- Added 'mpd_source_data' filter to allow hooking into the source post data
= 0.8 =
- NEW: Copy post categories. If the category doesn't exist in the destination site then the category is created and assigned to the post (Can be turned on or off in Settings).
= 0.7.4 =
- Added filter to allow access to post statuses. See support thread https://wordpress.org/support/topic/small-request-1 for details.
= 0.7.3 =
- Added sign-posting if user activates this plugin on a non multisite wordpress installation.
= 0.7.2 =
- Fix for file_get_content() not collecting image data on multisites running SSL that store files without a protocol. Thanks Pedro Freitas!
= 0.7.1 =
- NEW: Restrict access to this plugin's functionality to users with certain roles.
= 0.6.1 =
- Fixed issue with excerpts not copying
- Improved access to 'mpd_show_settings_page' filter
= 0.6 =
- NEW: Create your own addons! Multisite Post Duplicator is now fully extendable. Create your own functionality. Check out the API documentation. And here is a list of hooks you can use: (http://www.wpmaz.uk/multisite-post-duplicator-actions-and-filters/). We've even created a couple of core addons if you want have nosey at how they are hooked in.
- NEW CORE ADDON: Batch Duplication! You can now duplicate several pages at a time from the post/page list screen.
- NEW CORE ADDON: Restrict MPD! You can now restrict the ability to duplicate from certain sites on your network.
- FIXED: Issue with generated destination URL of attached media from root site.
= 0.5.2 =
- Fixed issues with attached media files when duplicating a page that has aleady been duplicated
- Fixed issues with featured images when duplicating a page that has aleady been duplicated
= 0.5.1 =
- Fixed site path showing incorrectly in new image url (cosmetic change to avoid confusion, both resolve to same location)
= 0.5 =
- NEW: Now copies featured images from posts (can be turned off in Settings page)
- NEW: Now copies any image media within the post content to the destination site (can be turned off in Settings page).
- NEW: Now copies post tags (can be turned off in Settings page)
- NEW: Admin notice on success of duplication. Has a link to go straight to the new post
- NEW: Submit button on WordPress post edit page will now update to show that a duplication has been requested
- FIXED: Fixed User prefix having unintentional double space in some scenarios
- Settings page now global for all sites in the multisite network
- Cleaned up Settings page and added tooltips
- Prepared plugin for localisation (any translators welcome to contact me please!)
- Cleaned code for improved efficiency
= 0.4.1 =
- Now handles custom post statuses.
= 0.4 =
- Added Meta Box within the post type so you can now duplicate your post to another site on your network as you work (Thanks to Sergi Ambel!).
- Added Settings page to customise default behaviour.
= 0.3.1 =
- Fixed Activation errors.
= 0.3 =
- You can now filter by 'any' post type.
= 0.2.1 =
- Fixed bug where all posts were not appearing in certain scenarios
= 0.2 =
- Added support for Contact Form 7
- Duplication now correctly deals with serialised post meta
= 0.1 =
- Initial Release
== Upgrade Notice ==
= 0.1 = Initial release