
Magazine App on Android

Primary LanguageJava

About the Librelio Magazine Solution

The Librelio Magazine Solution is intended mainly for magazine publishers. It consists in:

  • customizable mobile apps: a complete version has been developed on iOS, Android (here) and is under development on Windows 8.
  • a cloud based server

Examples of apps developed using this solution are listed on www.librelio.com . A good example of iOS app is the Wind magazine app.

Purpose of this project

This project aims at porting the existing iOS customizable app to Android.


This project is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This project is Copyright 20012-2013 WidgetAvenue - Librelio, except included libraries:

  • Copyright 2006-2012 Artifex Software, Inc for the MuPDF library
  • Copyright Free Beachler (http://www.freebeachler.com) for the Android P-List Parser library

The use of the Google Analytics library is governed by the following terms: http://www.google.com/analytics/tos.html

Source code of libraries used

Customization of the app

1- Replace the following elements with your custom elements:

  • assets directory
  • in res directory, all subdirectories ending with -port or -land
  • in res/values directory, application_.xml

2- Replace ic_launcher.png with your own icon, in different sizes:

  • drawable-mdpi - 48 x 48px
  • drawable-hdpi - 72 x 72px
  • drawable-xhdpi - 96 x 96px
  • drawable-xxhdpi - 144 x 144px

3- Rename the package in Eclipse:

As explained on Stack Overflow, press F2 on package name.

4- Update AndroidManifest.xml:

Enter the new package name.