- 1
Incorrect handling of unicode ANSI skipping
#30 opened by ztravis - 0
Missing destination command pgdsctbl
#29 opened by Jmontch - 0
Example for converting rtf to html
#15 opened by kschroeer - 0
#27 opened by minalabib223 - 0
#26 opened by minalabib223 - 3
- 2
Incorrect encoding for current font
#23 opened by abLoftware - 10
cpg command not superceding fcharset command
#22 opened by abLoftware - 0
Doesn't handle text with unclosed brackets
#20 opened by james-bw - 2
Apache Maven integration
#18 opened by DennisPiskovatskov - 4
Java 9 compatibility
#17 opened by rarathore - 3
- 5
NullPointerException: charsetName
#16 opened by petergaultney - 2
utf-8 code page support
#13 opened by albreax - 2
Unsupported encoding command mac
#12 opened by albreax - 0
Doesn't work on CentOS
#10 opened by plagiarism - 1
Unsupported encoding command ansicpg949
#9 opened by jams777 - 2
missing api documentation and examples.
#7 opened - 0
parsing non-RTF content should throw exception
#8 opened by stippi - 7
RTF document model
#5 opened by stippi - 0
- 1
Should be Java 6 compatible
#3 opened by primehojox