A 8086/8088 disassembler written in Rust. It is by no means perfect; it can not disassemble every instruction at the moment.
The CLI takes a filename as input, i.e.
de8086 ./test/kitchen_sink
; kitchen_sink
bits 16
mov cx, bx
mov ch, ah
mov dx, bx
Specifying the --verbose
flag includes additional output.
de8086 ./test/kitchen_sink --verbose
; kitchen_sink
bits 16
; 10001001 11011001
mov cx, bx
; 10001000 11100101
mov ch, ah
; 10001001 11011010
mov dx, bx
de8086 comes with Parser
and Writer
for disassembly:
use de8086::{
writer::{Writer, WriterOptions},
use std::io::{stdout, Write};
fn run(bytes: &[u8]) {
let mut writer = Writer::new(WriterOptions { verbose: false });
let parser = Parser::build(bytes).unwrap();
for instruction in parser {
instruction.write(&mut writer);