
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT




How to install

  • Make sure to have the latest version of Python 3, python3-venv, SQLite 3 and pip.

  • Unzip the program folder if needed and make it your current working directory.

  • Make virtual environment with
    python3 -m venv venv

  • Add the new environment as your source with
    source venv/bin/activate

  • Install required libraries with the command
    pip install -r requirements.txt

  • Configure flask to run the application

    export FLASK_APP=application

  • Initialize database

    flask init-db

  • Run the application with
    python3 run.py

Makse sure to have following API-keys in /application/.env file:

  • API_KEY from Youtube's API
  • TWITCH_API_KEY from twitch's API



  • Use the virtual environment
  • Run tests with
    python3 -m pytest application/tests
  • Coverage tests with coverage run -m pytest
  • Generate coverage report after coverage test coverage report

E2E-tests (behave)

  • Make sure you have chrome/chromium and chromedriver installed
  • Use the virtual environment
  • Run the application in the background
  • Run behave tests with behave application/tests/features/

Definition of Done

For us, a task is done when

  • Intended features have been implemented and they work
  • Tests are done for the feature and passed
  • The feature has been implemented as it has been written in the backlog
  • Test coverage is over 75%
  • Heroku website works as wanted


