
I couldn't find a really easy way to deploy GitHub integration with Trello, so I made one.


1. Acquire Key

Get your Trello API key.

Save this for later. This is your TRELLO_KEY.

2. Acquire Token

Use that to get an OAuth token. (Add your token to the end of the URL.)

Save this for later. This is your TRELLO_TOKEN.

3. Acquire List Name

Create a list on Trello with a unique name. We will be adding cards to this list.

Save this for later. This is your TRELLO_LIST_NAME.

4. Acquire Heroku App URL

Click the deploy button below. Log in (or sign up), and hit Deploy For Free. Get the App Name.


Your URL should be something like: https://<app-name>

Save this for later. This is your Payload URL.

5. Configure Webhook

Go to your GitHub repo's settings.

Click Webhooks & services.

Click Add webhook.

For Payload URL, enter your Heroku App URL.

For Content type, select application/json.

For Secret, enter a super secret password that nobody else knows.

Save this for later. This is your GITHUB_SECRET.

Hit Add webhook.

6. Configure Heroku

Go to your Heroku Dashboard.

Click on your application.

Click Settings.

Click Reveal Config Vars.


7. Done!

Cards should show up in TRELLO_LIST_NAME whenever you push!