
An Elixir wrapper around esqlite. Allows access to sqlite3 databases.

Primary LanguageElixir

Build Status Inline docs


An Elixir wrapper around esqlite. The main aim here is to provide convenient usage of sqlite databases.

Updated to 1.0

With the 1.0 release we made just a single breaking change. Sqlitex.Query.query previously returned just the raw query results on success and {:error, reason} on failure. This has been bothering us for a while so we changed it in 1.0 to return {:ok, results} on sucess and {:error, reason} on failure. This should make it easier to pattern match on. The Sqlitex.Query.query! function has kept its same functionality of returning bare results on success and raising an error on failure.


The simple way to use sqlitex is just to open a database and run a query

Sqlitex.with_db('test/fixtures/golfscores.sqlite3', fn(db) ->
  Sqlitex.query(db, "SELECT * FROM players ORDER BY id LIMIT 1")
# => [[id: 1, name: "Mikey", created_at: {{2012,10,14},{05,46,28}}, updated_at: {{2013,09,06},{22,29,36}}, type: nil]]

Sqlitex.with_db('test/fixtures/golfscores.sqlite3', fn(db) ->
  Sqlitex.query(db, "SELECT * FROM players ORDER BY id LIMIT 1", into: %{})
# => [%{id: 1, name: "Mikey", created_at: {{2012,10,14},{05,46,28}}, updated_at: {{2013,09,06},{22,29,36}}, type: nil}]

If you want to keep the database open during the lifetime of your project you can use the Sqlitex.Server GenServer module. Here's a sample from a phoenix projects main supervisor definition.

children = [
      # Start the endpoint when the application starts
      worker(Golf.Endpoint, []),

      worker(Sqlitex.Server, ['golf.sqlite3', [name: Sqlitex.Server]])

Now that the GenServer is running you can make queries via

                     "SELECT g.id, g.course_id, g.played_at, c.name AS course
                      FROM games AS g
                      INNER JOIN courses AS c ON g.course_id = c.id
                      ORDER BY g.played_at DESC LIMIT 10")


I am building this package as an attempt to learn more about Elixir and I'll be adding features only as I need them.

I would love to get any feedback I can on how other people might want to use SQlite with Elixir.