
Dotfiles for my rainbow-ish styled rice :D

Primary LanguageShell

Rofi's powermenu is currently broken.

I recommend that you install pywal for matching colors.

↓ If you're having issues ↓

  • DON'T copy the launcher.rasi file from the polybar/scripts/rofi/ directory to anywhere else, rofi is integrated. You only need to press super + space to open it. If you want to change the default keybind for rofi, modify it in from the sxhkdrc file.
  • If you don't want to install my sxhkdrc file, you can copy this into there for the rofi shortcut;
super + @space
   rofi -no-config -no-lazy-grab -show drun -modi drun -theme ~/.config/polybar/hack/scripts/rofi/launcher.rasi
  • Use the cava config only if you're using cava in Alacritty and it's tearing / lagging, fix is included in the config.

Extras for the style points :)

[Instructions in the repositories]

Image previews of my rice

Rice Terminals Desktop-rainbow Rofi Rice-rainbow