
The officially official website of Jonathan Knapp.

Primary LanguageCSS

The Officially Official Website of Jonathan Knapp

This project uses Hexo to create a static website which uses Markdown syntax to create the content.


Install Node, then install Grunt and Bower globally.

You can then install dependencies and prepare the theme with:

npm install
cd themes/jonknapp.com
npm install
bower install

From the root directory, run grunt to start a local version of the website. You can also run grunt generate to build a static version of the site in the public/ folder.

S3 Deployment

To deploy to S3, create a file called aws.json that has the following structure:

  "bucket": "jonknapp.com",
  "key": "AWS-KEY",
  "secret": "AWS-SECRET"

You can now deploy the generated site with grunt deploy. It will automatically re-generate a copy of the site before deploying.


MIT license This project and blog code samples are released under the [MIT license](http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT). Creative Commons License Blog post content is released under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License, however you must link back to the original content whenever possible.