headset | Tested | Issu |
Windows Mixed Reality | no | ? |
Oculus Rift | no | ? |
Oculus Go | no | ? |
HTC VIVE | no | ? |
Google Cardboard | no | ? |
- webxr https://github.com/immersive-web/webxr
- webxr https://immersive-web.github.io/webxr-samples/
- webxr https://github.com/immersive-web/webxr-samples
- webvr https://github.com/immersive-web/webvr-polyfill
it makes no sense at the moment, I only copy-past interesting code when flying over the webXR API. It will be nessesair to be interested in the LOWLEVEL of PixiJs and maybe Pixi-projections, Pixi-layers, Pixi-light.
var app = new PIXI.Application({
width: window.innerWidth,
height: window.innerHeight,
backgroundColor: 0x2c3e50,
let renderView = new WebXRView(app.renderer.view, app.renderer);
const stereoLayerL = new PIXI.display.Layer(PIXI.lights.diffuseGroup);
const stereoLayerR = new PIXI.display.Layer(PIXI.lights.normalGroup);
const stereoLight = new PIXI.display.Layer(PIXI.lights.lightGroup);
stereoLayerL.renderView.eye = renderView.left;
stereoLayerR.renderView.eye = renderView.right;
stereoLayerR.renderView.eye = renderView.eye;
// Left eye.
stereoLayerL.render(frameData.leftProjectionMatrix, frameData.leftViewMatrix, stats, t);
// Right eye.
stereoLayerR.render(frameData.rightProjectionMatrix, frameData.rightViewMatrix, stats, t);
note: hum will probably need hack this for update 2 stereo gl from api
// Left eye.
gl.viewport(0, 0, webglCanvas.width * 0.5, webglCanvas.height);
cubeSea.render(frameData.leftProjectionMatrix, frameData.leftViewMatrix, stats, t);
// Right eye.
gl.viewport(webglCanvas.width * 0.5, 0, webglCanvas.width * 0.5, webglCanvas.height);
cubeSea.render(frameData.rightProjectionMatrix, frameData.rightViewMatrix, stats, t);
from pixi
RenderTarget.prototype.activate = function activate() {
// TODO refactor usage of frame..
var gl = this.gl;
// make sure the texture is unbound!
this.calculateProjection(this.destinationFrame, this.sourceFrame);
if (this.transform) {
// TODO add a check as them may be the same!
if (this.destinationFrame !== this.sourceFrame) {
gl.scissor(this.destinationFrame.x | 0, this.destinationFrame.y | 0, this.destinationFrame.width * this.resolution | 0, this.destinationFrame.height * this.resolution | 0);
} else {
// TODO - does not need to be updated all the time??
gl.viewport(this.destinationFrame.x | 0, this.destinationFrame.y | 0, this.destinationFrame.width * this.resolution | 0, this.destinationFrame.height * this.resolution | 0);