API Specifications
Provides OpenAPI Specification (v3) definitions for Nexmo APIs.
Human-readable specifications
View rendered API specifications
(Raw specification files are in definitions/
About OpenAPI
These definitions provide a single point of truth that can be used end-to-end:
- Planning Shared during product discussions for planning API functionality
- Implementation Inform engineering during development
- Testing As the basis for testing or mocking API endpoints
- Documentation For producing thorough and interactive documentation
- Tooling To generate server stubs and client SDKs.
- Stoplight Studio - powerful spec editor with validation and local mock server
- Nexmo OAS Renderer - Nexmo's tool for rendering OpenAPI specs to HTML.
- Nexmo Developer - Nexmo Developer uses these specs and the renderer for the API reference pages.
Check your API spec for validity and style
We use Spectral to style and validity check our files. If you're using Stoplight Studio, this picks up our style definition by default. Otherwise, you can install the tool locally like this:
npm install -g @stoplight/spectral
And check your file (for example verify.yml
spectral lint definitions/verify.yml
This runs the same checks that we use in the build that runs when you open a pull request.
In addition to semantic linting, we use Prettier to enforce consistent formatting.
To run prettier locally:
npm install -g prettier
prettier --list-different definitions/**/*.yml
You can auto-format your specifications with the following command, but we recommend installing a Prettier plugin in your IDE to format on save:
prettier --write definitions/**/*.yml
Contributions are welcome, please follow GitHub Flow