HTML5 Canvas API implementation for Microsoft Blazor
Blazor Extensions are a set of packages with the goal of adding useful things to Blazor.
This package wraps HTML5 Canvas APIs.
NOTE: Only Canvas 2d is supported. WebGL will come later (contributions are welcome!).
Install-Package Blazor.Extensions.Canvas
The following snippet shows how to consume the Canvas API in a Blazor component.
On your _ViewImports.cshtml
add the using
and TagHelper entries:
@using Blazor.Extensions.Canvas
@addTagHelper *, Blazor.Extensions.Canvas
On your .cshtml add a BECanvas
and make sure you set the ref
to a field on your component:
@page "/"
@inherits IndexComponent
<h1>Canvas demo!!!</h1>
<BECanvas ref="@_canvasReference"></BECanvas>
On your component C# code (regardless if inline on .cshtml or in a .cs file), from a BECanvasComponent
reference, create a Canvas2dContext
, and then use the context methods to draw on the canvas:
private Canvas2dContext _context;
protected BECanvasComponent _canvasReference;
protected override void OnAfterRender()
this._context = this._canvasReference.CreateCanvas2d();
this._context.FillStyle = "green";
this._context.FillRect(10, 100, 100, 100);
this._context.Font = "48px serif";
this._context.StrokeText("Hello Blazor!!!", 10, 100);
Please feel free to use the component, open issues, fix bugs or provide feedback.
The following people are the maintainers of the Blazor Extensions projects: