Convert a HAR file to an OpenAPI spec
This library is loosely based on har2openapi, but cleaned up and changed for usage in a more programmatic fashion
yarn add har-to-openapi
npm i --save har-to-openapi
import { generateSpec } from "har-to-openapi";
// read a har file from wherever you want - in this example its just a root json object
// const har = await fs.readFile("my.har");
const har = {
log: {
entries: [
index: 0,
request: {
method: "CUSTOM",
url: "",
headers: [
name: "Content-Type",
value: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
postData: {
mimeType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
text: "foo0=bar0&foo1=bar1",
params: [
name: "foo0",
value: "bar0",
const openapi = await generateSpec(har, { relaxedMethods: true });
const { spec, yamlSpec } = openapi;
// spec = { ... } openapi spec schema document
// yamlSpec = string, "info: ..."
export interface Config {
// if true, we'll treat every url as having the same domain, regardless of what its actual domain is
// the first domain we see is the domain we'll use
forceAllRequestsInSameSpec?: boolean;
// if true, every path object will have its own servers entry, defining its base path. This is useful when
// forceAllRequestsInSameSpec is set
addServersToPaths?: boolean;
// try and guess common auth headers
guessAuthenticationHeaders?: boolean;
// if the response has this status code, ignore the body
ignoreBodiesForStatusCodes?: number[];
// whether non standard methods should be allowed (like HTTP MY_CUSTOM_METHOD)
relaxedMethods?: boolean;
// whether we should try and parse non application/json responses as json - defaults to true
relaxedContentTypeJsonParse?: boolean;
// a list of tags that match passed on the path, either [match_and_tag] or [match, tag]
tags?: ([string] | [string, string] | string)[] | ((url: string) => string | string[] | void);
// response mime types to filter for
mimeTypes?: string[];
// known security headers for this har, to add to security field in openapi (e.g. "X-Auth-Token")
securityHeaders?: string[];
// Whether to filter out all standard headers from the parameter list in openapi
filterStandardHeaders?: boolean;
// Whether to log errors to console
logErrors?: boolean;
// a string, regex, or callback to filter urls for inclusion
urlFilter?: string | RegExp | ((url: string) => boolean | Promise<boolean>);
// when we encounter a URL, try and parameterize it, such that something like
// GET /uuids/123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000 becomes GET /uuids/{uuid}
attemptToParameterizeUrl?: boolean;
// when we encounter a path without a response or with a response that does not have 2xx, dont include it
dropPathsWithoutSuccessfulResponse?: boolean;