
Manual Implementation of List.flatten/1 in elixir

Primary LanguageElixir


This library contains custom Citrusbyte implementations of native functions, For fun and profit.

All unit tests are in the form of doctests.


Flattens multi dimensional arrays. An array consisting of other nested arrays will be recursively combined to form a single array. The end 'tail' of the array will be added to the end of the resulting array, First In First Out.

## Examples
    iex> Citrusbyte.flatten([])

    iex> Citrusbyte.flatten([1])

    iex> Citrusbyte.flatten([[1,2,[3]],4])

    iex> Citrusbyte.flatten([[1,2,[]],4])

    iex> Citrusbyte.flatten([[[1],[2, [3]],[4]],[5]])